Friday 15 July 2011

A Beginning

I don't know how this started. The thought probably struck during one of the chit-chats I was having on facebook a few days back. Why? I'll never know, but there was just a moment during that chat when all i wanted to do was write. It is a bit strange because I've never ever written a diary but I'll draw some comfort from my previous stint with writing.

  I was 12 and an Enid Blyton fan. I'll call it the Enid Blyton Effect that rubbed off on me and led me to write my first story. It was a simple(you might even say silly!) plot and coincidentally, the protagonist shared his name with yours truly. In the next few months, I wrote three more similar simple stories before the school studies started getting the better of me and the effect wore off. Seven years later, I feel an unexplained urge to rekindle that habit.

  A few words on the blog name before I end this post. Life has been a beautiful journey so far. There have been lots of memorable moments that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. This blog is an attempt to treasure all the wonderful experiences henceforth, an attempt to catch all the fascinating glimpses that life has to offer, an attempt to hold together all the breathtaking whiffs of life that make it worth living.

This is the story of the birth of this blog....


  1. dis was beautiful.......everyone says all dat ends well is well, according to me a brilliant beginning ensures superb ending!all the best with the blog!:)

  2. Well begun is job half done!!! Keep it coming...

  3. nicely compiled and presented
    i'm not a expert in these matters but i hope that your writings will touch my heart from the deep and soothe it.
    share your happy times n also sad times. from these we will learn about your experiences in happy times as well as in times of struggle n difficulty, how you enjoyed the happy moments and survived the challenging moments that your life presented in front of you.
    i wish you all the best for your blog

  4. shower all your creativity onto it.. I'll be a regular visitor for sure... :)
    - Snigdha
