Thursday 28 July 2011

One Of Those Nights...

It was probably past midnight and he was lying on his bed, in eerily comforting darkness. It was one of those nights. He was just blankly staring at the roof as a million thoughts were running through his mind.

  It had been quite a happening vacation, a roller coaster ride of emotions. But then, it had its moments too, blissful moments spent in the company of family and friends. Strangely, though he cherished those moments, they did not give him the peace that he so longed for. He needed relief from the heady mix of melancholy and pain that had engulfed him. He felt shattered.

  They kept telling him that he didn't talk much now, he didn't even smile now. They kept telling him that he had changed, as if he had a choice. He didn't have one. With every thought that came to his mind, every word he spoke, everything he did, he could feel the seething cynicism that was building up inside him. His mind was in turbulence. And there was that lingering fear of something he didn't know, a terrible dread rooted deep in his heart. He was never bothered by his past, it was probably his future that worried him so deeply.

  He felt a chill down his spine. His vision began to ebb. At first, it just blurred, then it started fading as if someone was slowly switching off the lights of a long corridor. At last, it was all dark. He could hear the birds chirping outside. He opened his eyes. He was awake now.

P.S: "He" is a guy, as you would have figured out. He doesn't have a name because he doesn't like boundations that come with it. He is a free spirit, he is anyone.

Friday 15 July 2011

A Beginning

I don't know how this started. The thought probably struck during one of the chit-chats I was having on facebook a few days back. Why? I'll never know, but there was just a moment during that chat when all i wanted to do was write. It is a bit strange because I've never ever written a diary but I'll draw some comfort from my previous stint with writing.

  I was 12 and an Enid Blyton fan. I'll call it the Enid Blyton Effect that rubbed off on me and led me to write my first story. It was a simple(you might even say silly!) plot and coincidentally, the protagonist shared his name with yours truly. In the next few months, I wrote three more similar simple stories before the school studies started getting the better of me and the effect wore off. Seven years later, I feel an unexplained urge to rekindle that habit.

  A few words on the blog name before I end this post. Life has been a beautiful journey so far. There have been lots of memorable moments that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. This blog is an attempt to treasure all the wonderful experiences henceforth, an attempt to catch all the fascinating glimpses that life has to offer, an attempt to hold together all the breathtaking whiffs of life that make it worth living.

This is the story of the birth of this blog....